
SimCavalier - Bitcoin Hurricane

SimCavalier - Bitcoin Hurricane

Ah, a sci-fi book about a coder set in the near future. Normally that is a sentence that makes me a bit twitchy. As a coder myself I get a bit sick of the poor way that we are represented on TV and in books: hoodie wearing beings with questionable personal hygiene and social skills tapping away on their laptops in a darkened room. Ok, the hoodie bit might be correct, but most coders have at least one, if not three, external screens that are in use at the same time. I’m very glad to say that Bitcoin Hurricane by Kate Baucherel came as an excellent diversion from the norm and had me captivated from the beginning. Clearly written by someone that actually understands the basis for the world they have created and that the use of external screens for coding is paramount.